June 11-15, 2014 bike itinerary...
Please see the tentative itinerary for the Bike Tour in June.
Please note that these times are tentative based on weather, traffic, gas stops and personal needs and requirements along the tour.
All participants on this tour have the option to stop anywhere along the way with the final destination each day being the hotels listed.
Wednesday June 11th...
8:30 am -Meet at Tim Horton's Leduc Common
9:00 am - Depart
11:30 am - Stop in Rocky Mountain House for lunch
1:30 pm - Stop in Saskatchewan Crossing for break
4:00 pm - Stop at Radium Hot Springs for a nice relaxing soak
6:00 pm - arrive at Hotel - Super 8 (incl break)
Thursday June 12th...
7:30-8:30 am - breakfast
9:00 am - depart for Sandpoint, Idaho
11:30 am - Lunch in Cranbrook
1:00 pm - Border crossing (must have passport)
3:00 pm - Arrive in Sandpoint Howard Johnson (incl break)
Friday June 13th...
8:00-9:00 am - breakfast
9:30 am - Depart for Silverwood Amusement Park
10:00 am - Arrive at Amusement Park
2:00 pm - depart for Missoula
3:00 pm - Stop in Kingston for gas fill
4:30 pm - Arrive in Missoula Value Inn
7:30 pm - Supper inlcuded in package
(incl break)
Saturday June 14th...
7:30-8:30 am - breakfast
9:00 am - depart for Outlet Malls
12:00 pm - Meet for lunch
1:00 pm - Depart for Whitefish
3:00 pm - Stop and Beer in Whitefish
5:00 pm - Border Crossing
6:00 pm - Arrive at hotel in Fernie
Stanford Inn (incl break)
Sunday June 15th...
7:30-8:30 am - breakfast
9:00 am - depart for Edmonton
10:30 am - gas up in Coleman - quick coffee at Tims
12:30 pm - lunch and gas up in Bragg Creek
3:00 pm - Gas up in Olds
5:00 pm - Home Sweet Home
Important items to pack:
* Current passport
* bathing suit for Hot Springs and Hot Tubs
* Waterproof riding clothing
* Lots of socks for warmth
* Tylenol for your Jagger hangovers